September 11th, A Day in Infamy

Facts: September 11th

    September 11th is always commemorated as the day the American witnessed deadliest attack on American soil. Hijackers at around 8:45am, crashed the first plane into the World Trade Center in New York City. This marked the first series of well coordinated terrorist attacks within United States. Within a few minutes at 9:03am, the second plane crashed into the second world trade tower and exploded. Hence, bringing down the 110-story twin towers.

    On the same day, at 9:43 am the third passengers' plane crashed in the world's biggest office building at the Pentagon. At 10:05 the southern tower of the WTC collapsed tumbling into the streets. This led to massive debris and a cloud of dust forms. Minutes later a section of the pentagon collapsed. Later on the northern tower of the World Trade Center collapsed realizing a terrific cloud of smoke and dust. The third plane was doomed to crash at the Pentagon in Virginia, while another was headed to Pennsylvania. Police at 10:48 confirmed that the fourth passenger jet had gone down in western Pennsylvania despite a heroic attempt by the passengers to foil the disaster . These coordinated attack left 2,973 dead and score injured.

    As a result, over 3000 people on the ground and all the passengers aboard the jets lost their lives. These tragic events taught the world to always be alert.

    1. To keep in mind that Nothing is Inevitable:
    What occurred on September 11, 2001, was not predetermined.

    2. To Understand Why:
    In modern years, we have come to know that most acts of fanaticism and aggression in the present-day world are fixed in a sense of historical complaint. To avoid History from recurring itself.

    The world now is able to learn from the past mistakes and understand why the terrorist plot was uncovered by the intelligence apparatus, learn so that in the future to be able to prevent such happenings.

    3. To Remember:
    History is our collective memory. It is a permanent record of acts of treachery and bravery, of cowardice and leadership. We learn history so as to keep memories alive.

    4. About the Victims:
    Victims were from different countries indeed more than 90 countries from around the world. The following are the people who all died.

    At the World Trade Center 2,823 (includes airline passengers). Flight #77, there was 64 people on board Pentagon 125 (not including plane victims). Flight #93, 44 people on board. Flight #11, there was 92 people on board. Flight #175, 64 people on board.

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